The Darjeeling Limited
- Duration of experience longer than expected or desired
- Unpleasant aftertaste
- Lingering sensation of emptiness
- Cheap
- Variety of flavors
- Texturally enticing
Bit of a stretch? Hmm, yes, well, I'm quite limber.
Darjeeling isn't a bad movie—visually stimulating, less-witty-than-usual-but-still-pretty-good dialogue, interesting (if superficial) characters.
"Slim-Jim" attributes are derived from plot concerning vacuous, rich eccentrics attempting to regain the humanity that they may have lost after the death of their father. Depending on the viewer's empathy, this absence of intangible goodness ("soul") may or may not effect you.
It got me down.
In Rainbows is good.
That's the reserved reaction of someone who had never listened to an entire Radiohead album before Tuesday (Kid A).
I think that considering the quantity of Radiohead diehards, and the various stages of Radiohead's development that they could have entered at, In Rainbows should satisfy all but the dourest of loose-tongued curmudgeons.
If the title means anything, I'd say that it refers to the album's spectrum of "Radiohead", ranging from the British jangle-rock of The Bends ("Faust Arp") to the ambient glitch-rock of Kid A/Amnesiac ("15 Step"). But it's not an entirely regressive or retrospective act, hence the rainbow reference, which depends on a 7th, entirely new, element to be complete.
My harshest complaint is that I'm not sure the world needs anymore Thom Yorke piano ballads. But that's not really a complaint, more a statement of satiation.
Numerical Value: 14/22 Macho Mans

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