Sunday, May 8, 2011

Travelog or Photoblog or Time-Travel (Part 2)

Nara is a strange city, one in which a loose assemblage of structures pointing towards the modern era have been overlaid upon sprawling wilderness with little regard to coherent city-planning. Most elements of industry appeared half-finished, including the train station, a somewhat disconcerting fact as you pull in. As you walk to higher elevations, making your way to the aptly named Primeval Forest, you'll encounter many of the city's somewhat sacred deer. Be on your guard, because they will eat your map without provocation.

Stone lions (occasionally dragons) adorn the pathways and entrances of many temples across Japan. Often carved in this style, chest puffed out and head raised to the sky, they're clearly intended to be noble guardians of wherever they are, a slight contrast to the Western gargoyles who always struck me as representing demonic invaders that had been beaten into subservience. (Note: I have no understanding of the history of gargoyles.)

Pigeons are a blight upon every metropolis.

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