Sunday, December 19, 2010


Mix for 12/19/10 - Subtly Unsuitable / Suitably Unsubtle

For the past few days, I've been trying to stave off an impending yuletide malaise; early to bed, early to rise, run a couple miles against a bitter wind. It's a terrible time of the year, though I'm thankful for the lack of snow as of yet (knock on wooden legs, if you got 'em). If it weren't for the promise of Yorkshire Pudding, I'd happily choose hibernation over humanity for the next few months.

Teaching put-put-putters to a halt as families abscond to their Swiss chalet, leaving me to review reams of unfinished Brand New Curriculum, doing my best to hunt down misguided semi-colons, consistently dumbfounded by the quantity of arcane fart jokes and sexual innuendo woven into the text. Apparently all the perverts and miscreants that neglected priesthood and positions with the TSA chose careers in the Educational Textbook industry.

Which indirectly brings me to the theme of today's mix! Imagine that. I recently picked up Authenticity, the latest album by The Foreign Exchange, upon fervent (impersonal) recommendation by Gavin Castleton. It's an excellent record, full of great melodies and those warm synth textures that I grow to appreciate more and more each day. But as it's quite explicitly a "break-up" album, I was struggling with how to fit it into any of the typical abstract thematic structures that I usually mold my mixes by. So I said fuck it, imaginary break-up mix it is.

Sad thing is, while I was working on it, one of my good friends had the unfortunate luck of having his girlfriend of 9 years break up with him. Ouch.

Music is just that powerful.

1 comment:

acerola said...

I better chill on the black metal then....